Nowadays, the creativeness of the sellers to cross-sell their items is very admirable. I wish I could do the same for mine, but my conscience screams at me if I were to promote additional things to other people. It's not very nice to be pushing things which people might not need. Seems like I'm not cut out for business.
Back to the main topic, the seller for this item has deviously packed in a smiley-faces-stickers for customisation of a charging plug for Iphone. Initially I only wanted to get the plug head, but in the end I got the cable as well... for the stickers. I'm such a bummer.
I'm not very sure about the charging speed, but from the looks of the item, there were certainly areas to improve on. There were some strands of plastic (glue?) on the charger head. Additionally, the recipient of this product mentioned to me that she tried on the Ipod and the connection was "very tight" and "hard to connect". Maybe it would be better for Iphone? I have no idea.
I'm not very sure about the charging speed, but from the looks of the item, there were certainly areas to improve on. There were some strands of plastic (glue?) on the charger head. Additionally, the recipient of this product mentioned to me that she tried on the Ipod and the connection was "very tight" and "hard to connect". Maybe it would be better for Iphone? I have no idea.
Source: Gmarket
Price: $7.50 + Free shipping
Item Rating: 2/5
Processing time: 3 day (s)
Delivery time: 2 day (s)
Processing time: 3 day (s)
Delivery time: 2 day (s)
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